Supercharge Your Direct Mail Marketing with an Email Follow-up

One of the best attributes of a direct mail postcard campaign is that it can open doors for your business. 

By sending a well-crafted, well-designed postcard to a curated list of prospects, you’ll do more for your business than you might imagine. 

And on the back end of a great postcard campaign, it makes sense to consider something as simple as a follow-up email. Just like postcards, it pays to do this the right way. 

Here are four criteria for sending a highly effective follow-up email:
Deliver benefits upfront

Get to the point. You’re competing with every other message they’ll receive. Tell them what you want them to know immediately.  There’s a sale.  You’re a valued client.  I’m giving you a reward for referring a friend.  Whatever the point, spit it out.  Point them toward the call to action and get out of the way.

Short is better

I’m not suggesting a three-word email. But what you should say in your email should be impactful and succinct.  Tease an offer or a new product, but don’t drag it out.  Introduce the concept/idea/solution, and give them two or three benefits and a way to buy directly or ask for more information.  Three and four paragraphs are not appealing; nobody wants to read 60 words when 30 will do.

The tone is very important

If you cannot create a sense of curiosity, intrigue, or mystery around your product or service, find someone who can.  The tone set is critical to ensure they keep reading.  Anything off-putting in your email can lead directly to the ‘DELETE’ button.  Using the right language to hold their interest (or create it) is crucial to getting them to not only keep reading but also help them picture themselves using your product or service.

Bring a friend

Who doesn’t love a discount?  Offer a reward for a referral to a friend.  Let them know all they have to do is forward the email to a buddy in hopes they’ll take advantage of your product or service.  And in return, give them a discount on their next purchase. 

Talk about money for nothing. You’ve asked them to generate a lead for you, and if it’s successful (tied to the coded information in the email so you can identify the client who sent you the sale), they’ll get a reward on a future purchase.

The Holiday scheduled campaign is shown above. To learn more, Click Here.

Email marketing best practices

Avoid SPAMMING targets, and only send follow-up emails to those businesses or contacts who have opted in to receive them. People wade through email daily, immediately deleting anything they’ve not asked for, anything that looks suspicious, or wastes their time.

Please contact our customer service team at 833-875-8800 if there is anything we can do to help you succeed.  



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Lisa Gray
Lisa Gray
Lisa has years of expertise in direct response marketing, digital marketing, data analytics and business development working with both B2C and B2B.

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