Craft Powerful Prospect Lists with These Four Impactful Ideas

The first step after deciding to launch a marketing campaign is to determine your audience.  Whom are you targeting? List construction is critical in several ways, not the least of which are finances and potential impact. 

Getting your message out doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming.  You just need to be rock solid in terms of reaching as many high-value prospects as possible. 

I’ve distilled the lessons I’ve learned over the years and have summarized them into these 4 Must Have Target List Creation Ideas:   

1. Create the right-sized list – Start with a prospect list size that you can manage, not just for one postcard mailing, but for a marketing campaign that will continue for many months.

There’s a marketing law of 3, 7, 27 that defines the importance of repetition in delivering effective, high ROI marketing. The law suggests that a message should be presented at least three times to gain initial attention, reinforced seven times for better retention and action, and ideally repeated a total of 27 times for long-term memorability.

2. Speak only to your prospect – You want to make sure the list you’re creating points directly to what you consider to be your ideal prospect.  We’ve talked about the financial pit and resulting poor efficiency that can come from something like a ‘general announcement’ that goes to out the masses (e.g., a Grand Opening of your donut business) when you really need to reach a specific audience who is best suited for your product or service.  Clearly define your target market and go after those names only.

Create a targeted mailing list quickly and easily. To learn more, Click Here.

3. Start from within – Depending on how long you’ve been in business (and the nature of the business, itself), you might have a treasure trove of names to start with.  Are you capturing contact information from your existing clients?  What about other sources like conference attendees, subscribers lists, or industry directories?  Make the most out of what you have under your nose.

4. It’s okay to be ‘Picky’ – You aren’t in a race.  What I mean by that is the first person to reach 5,000 prospects isn’t the winner.  It’s okay – heck, I’d even say it’s REQUIRED – that you are selective.  Yes, using mailing list creation tools, like we have available on is smart.  It’s ideal for helping you quickly and easily narrow down your audience by targeting the right demographics, or areas. 

Building great lists – which are profitable sustainable and repeatable – is a powerful and extremely intelligent concept you can rely on to steadily watch your business grow.  Just like getting a fantastic night’s sleep, though, it can be easier said than done. 

Please reach out to our customer service team at 833-875-8800 if there is anything we can do to help you succeed with your direct mail marketing.



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Christian Grisanti
Christian Grisanti
Christian Grasanti is a full time marketing coordinator and a graduate of the University of Central Florida. Both an expert in design and marketing, Christian has been helping business owners get noticed using direct mail for over 15 years.

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