I will assume that everyone reading this has, at one time or another, heard someone quote the colloquialized ‘definition’ of insanity. You know, doing the same thing repeatedly whilst expecting a different result. There are many areas of life where that can apply, absolutely. And one of them, without a doubt, is your direct mail postcard campaign.
Without being fully aware of what they’re doing, people can sabotage their marketing efforts by committing the mistakes I list below. I’ve made them before, very early in my business marketing process, so I speak from experience. Stop shooting yourself (and your ROI) in the foot. These 6 Copywriting Blunders are easy to eliminate from your project, setting you up for much better odds of success:
- You don’t use enough proof, credibility, or believability: You can write ANYTHING in the world, but if it isn’t compelling – who cares? You want your prospects and existing clients to feel like they’re spending money on something backed by success and fantastic reviews. You sell coleslaw so good it’ll make you slap your mother! It’s award-winning and has Michelin-starred chefs singing its praises. Don’t keep that kind of praise to yourself or rely on word of mouth.
- You don’t differentiate the uniqueness of your product/service: You have to brag, brag, brag, and brag some more. You use the pricey variety of apple cider vinegar for your excellent coleslaw when your competition just skimps on ‘what everybody else uses.’ Firmly, you need to bask in how what you provide is unmatched in the industry – and why it’s better. Papa John tells us that better ingredients make better pizza. Hmm…
- You don’t explain the consequences of NOT responding: Sometimes, asking for the business is insufficient. Create FOMO in your copy. You’re going to miss this coleslaw if you don’t act now. The best coleslaw you may never eat – unless you act fast!
- You don’t use enough sales copy to compel your prospect to act: You don’t have to fill every possible space on a postcard; that’s not what I mean. Maximize the impact and drive of what you’re saying – make the benefits you DO choose to use leap off of the page! You need to talk that coleslaw up like it’s a folk hero! With superpowers!
- You don’t have a GREAT offer: You’ll see this from me time and again. If you don’t have a request that makes your prospect WANT to order that coleslaw the next time they’re in your store, don’t bother.
- You don’t set up the urgency AND firm close for immediate action: ‘Come on by when you’re ready’ will not have prospects beating a path to your door. “Limited Batch,” “Cannot Guarantee Supplies,” “Won’t Last Long,” or “Last Batch Sold Out in 3 Days!”…get it? Popeye’s had people circling the building for their new chicken sandwich not long ago. A chicken sandwich [insert snark]. Do THAT!

The New Mover marketing campaign postcards are shown above. To learn more, Click Here.
Conceptually, direct mail postcard marketing might seem like a no-brainer, especially to the layperson who has never attempted this method. But there are pitfalls around every corner. There are times when I lay out a list of ideas or suggestions for you to follow in the creation of your campaign. And I follow that up with ‘test, test, test’. To me, I don’t think you can cherry-pick from the above; all are critical and should be required in any attempt to speak directly to your clients and prospects. Never make the reader do the work, right? Lay it out. Make it plain. Make it attractive. Make it worth their while. And make it easy to get/perform/fulfill, etc.
Give Opportunity Knocks a call today. It doesn’t matter what you’re selling or promoting. Our fantastic Success Coaches are ready and waiting to help you stave off insanity, avoid the same old copywriting mistakes, and craft the best postcard campaign you can imagine!