In today’s dynamic business landscape, the challenge isn’t just getting noticed; it’s about staying noticed amidst the constant noise.
Understand the strategies that go beyond the initial attention-grab and ensure a lasting impact in your industry. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a budding professional, these methods will help you navigate the complexities of market engagement, carve your niche, and establish a resilient presence that stands the test of time.
GET ATTENTION! – Make the reader notice you. Sounds easier said than done. But if they don’t see you in the sea flowing from their mailbox, you’ve already lost. You need a vibrant, eye-catching, and curiosity-generating presence to make them stop, read, and continue reading this magnificent thing that is about to solve a pain they either weren’t acknowledging or didn’t know they had.
Identify the Problem or Need – Because a postcard doesn’t allow for a Q&A section, it’s important to point out a specific pain (or set of pains). The assumption is that the reader will identify with that pain, understand that they, in fact, DO have the pain, and will want to read more about it. Great copy will make them want to read more, pulling them deeper into your messaging.
Position Your Product as the Solution – “Fish on!” – as in you’ve got the reader hooked. The pain you’ve introduced has touched a nerve, and now it’s time to set up your product or service as the best solution to eliminate that pain once and for all.
Offer the Reader Proof – Because it takes five seconds for someone to find a review online, be sure to offer explicit and overly positive proof that your product or service does what you say it does. A quote from a satisfied client (preferably a REPEAT client), or statistics that you can back up with zero effort, etc., are a fantastic way to give some credibility to your claim and to put the minds of your prospects more at ease. And that ease, or initial trust in you, will keep them reading the rest of your offer.

The New Homeowners Series of postcards is shown above. To learn more, Click Here.
Ask for Action – How many of us have heard, “If you don’t ask for the business, you won’t get the business”? It’s so very true. You’ve gotten the prospect to notice your postcard, they’ve sighed at the pain you’ve introduced or reinforced, you’ve given them enough to feel certain that your product will eliminate their pain, and you’ve had a satisfied client exclaim how they couldn’t have lived without what you sold them (“It was life-changing,” – Repeat Client).
But you can’t stop there. ASK THEM FOR THEIR BUSINESS by engaging them in an effortless and rewarding Call to Action. A great example would be sending them to a landing page for their first offer – at a great discount [that you can afford to offer, and that makes them tell their friends!].
How many killer businesses are out there that no one has heard of because they can’t attract the right attention? How many amazing basketball players exist that we’ll never see because of where they live or where they don’t? Position your business and its postcard marketing in such a way that you’re not waiting for attention, but demanding it. Put yourself in front of the ‘scouts’ who know you will be valuable to their future success!
Please reach out to our customer service team at 833-875-8800 if there is anything we can do to help you succeed with your direct mail marketing.