
Inflation-Proof Marketing: Strategies to Sustain Your Business Growth

In an inflationary economy, businesses face increased costs and tighter budgets, making effective marketing more difficult yet just as important. However, strategic approaches can...

Ensure Summer Weather Doesn’t Impact Your Business Revenue

Summer weather, with its mix of heat waves and storms, can pose significant challenges for businesses. However, with strategic planning and proactive measures, you...

How to Retain Existing Customers and Encourage Repeat Business

Retaining existing customers and encouraging repeat business is crucial for the sustainability and growth of any business. Here are some effective strategies to achieve...

Eliminate These Copywriting Blunders in Your Marketing For Increased Success

I will assume that everyone reading this has, at one time or another, heard someone quote the colloquialized ‘definition’ of insanity.  You know, doing...

How to Increase Your Marketing Results By Using Direct Mail Testing

This past weekend, I witnessed a remarkable redemption story play out.  As you may remember, I enjoy motor racing in all forms.  Part of...

Set the Stage for Success in the New Year with a 2024 Marketing Roadmap

As the new year approaches, small business owners are presented with a valuable opportunity to set the stage for success in 2024 by developing...

Craft Powerful Prospect Lists with These Four Impactful Ideas

The first step after deciding to launch a marketing campaign is to determine your audience.  Whom are you targeting? List construction is critical in several...

Pre-Launch Check List: Four Questions that Show Your Market Campaign Readiness

To ensure an impactful marketing campaign that resonates with your target audience, the best place to start is by asking the following questions. Four...

Get Noticed and Stay Noticed: Proven Methods for Market Engagement

In today's dynamic business landscape, the challenge isn't just getting noticed; it's about staying noticed amidst the constant noise. Understand the strategies that go...

Winning with Words: Postcard Strategies to Convert Your Audience

Ted Lasso, a character on a popular TV series has a sign placed prominently above his office in his soccer team's locker room meant...

From Skeptic to Customer: The Influence of a Believable Message in Your Marketing

A while back, I watched a viral commercial about the French women’s World Cup team, and it's a perfect segue into this week’s article. ...

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Don't miss

Inflation-Proof Marketing: Strategies to Sustain Your Business Growth

In an inflationary economy, businesses face increased costs and...

Ensure Summer Weather Doesn’t Impact Your Business Revenue

Summer weather, with its mix of heat waves and...

How to Retain Existing Customers and Encourage Repeat Business

Retaining existing customers and encouraging repeat business is crucial...

Create Seasonal Promotions that Resonate with the Summer Mindset and Help Drive Sales

As summer arrives and consumers shift their focus to...

Safeguard Your Business: The Ultimate Strategy to Prevent Revenue Dips

The most effective way to avoid revenue dips in...